Founded in 2004, St. John’s is dedicated to the faith and worship of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church within the classical Anglican tradition.
Our faith is revealed in the Bible, summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and taught by the Fathers and Councils of the early Church. We worship using the traditional Anglican/Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (1928 American edition) with music and hymns from the rich treasury of Christian hymnody.
At St. John’s we seek to develop and nurture Christ-centered lives and to build up faith in Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, the sacraments, Bible study, Christian education and formation, preaching, outreach, friendship, and good stewardship of the time, talents, and resources God has given us.
Our goal is to be a vibrant and transformational orthodox Anglican church in South Hampton Roads and to share the rich treasure of the classical Anglican Way of Christianity with the people of our area. We cordially invite you to join us!
For more information, see our About Us page or our Videos page.
We also have a YouTube channel.