Here is a list of books that some of our members have enjoyed reading. Take a look — there might be something here that will bless you. Check back often as new books will be added.
LITURGY EXPLAINED – The Liturgy Explained by Thomas Howard (Sept. 1981 version)
Summary: A concise and clear introduction to the Episcopal liturgy that helps newcomers understand what is happening on Sunday mornings. An appendix called “Why Do You Do That?” provides useful explanations of bowing, genuflecting, bells, and other parts of the worship experience.
IMPORTANCE OF LITURGICAL WORSHIP – You are What you Love by James KA Smith
Summary: Smith explains why liturgy in worship is important: we as humans are liturgical creatures in every other area of life.
Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice – Written by the Right Reverend Mark Haverland, Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice provides a succinct, yet thorough, introduction to orthodox Anglican belief. Along the way Bishop Haverland covers topics such as Authority in the Church, the Bible, Church History, the Sacraments and Worship, and Christian Moral Teaching. New material includes sections on the Thirty Nine Articles, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and issues such as medical ethics.
The Gospel and the Catholic Church by Michael Ramsey
Former Archbishop of Canterbury explains what makes Anglicanism so special. By contrasting Roman Catholicism
and Eastern Orthodoxy as generally overemphasizing one aspect of the gospel (Rome emphasizing Christ’s passion, Orthodoxy his Incarnation & Resurrection), Ramsey explains why Anglicanism is uniquely suited to be the fullest expression of the Christian Church, and also uniquely suited for any kind of ecumenical/unification efforts across the church universal.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis the most important writer of the 20th century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together. Bringing together The classic apologetic for the Christian faith.
1928 Book of Common Prayer (Leather)
This is the treasured worship resource for traditional Anglicans in the United States and has been in constant use since its authorization by General Convention in A.D. 1928.
St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (Traditional Version) Compiled and edited by the Reverend Father Loren Gavitt, The St. Augustine’s Prayer Book is described by its author as a “book of devotion for members of the Anglican Communion.” The St. Augustine’s Prayer Book differs from the The Traditional St. Augustine’s Prayer Book in that certain aspects of the former follow more closely the Book of Common Prayer, while the latter conforms to the Anglican Missal.