Our annual Diocesan Synod was held June 13-14 in Roanoke, VA. Bill Garrett and Fr. Rob attended, representing St. John’s. Both Bill and Fr. Rob were encouraged and uplifted by the Synod, especially the open discussion held at the end of the Friday business session as well as the several small group and one-on-one discussions both had during the two days. There are clearly some very talented and highly committed Anglicans in our diocese.
The Rt. Rev. David Haines, the Missionary Bishop for Global Partnerships in the Anglican Province of America (APA) and the rector of All Saints in Wilmington, NC, was the synod banquet speaker. Bishop Haines gave a fascinating and inspiring talk on the work of the APA with marginalized groups of Anglicans in Ecuador, Haiti, India, and the Philippines.
Unlike the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC), the APA is restricted by their Constitution and Canons from having dioceses and churches outside the United States. What they have instead are Global Partnerships. To learn more about this work, visit the APA website at https://anglicanprovince.org.