Rituals (Importance to Discipleship)

The Importance of Rituals James K.A. Smith demonstrates in this video below why Christians need to discover the power of habit and rituals.  Smith helps us see that we are “liturgical creatures.” Most importantly,  we are designed this way by God.  Therefore, our growth in discipleship should be repetitive and ritualistic too.  Additionally, Smith notes … [Read more…]

Everyone Invited

Traditional Anglicanism is for Everyone Anglicanism has a rich history and development. Therefore, there is much to offer folks coming from other denominations and backgrounds.  Almost every Christian tradition can appreciate something about traditional Anglicanism.  Therefore, it’s worth investigating to see what we are all about. Charismatic/Pentecostal Traditional Anglicanism  offers Charismatic and Pentecostal folks a focus … [Read more…]

A Banner Day for St. John’s

Sunday, June 3, 2017 was a banner day for St. John’s. Our bishop came for his annual visit. We celebrated one infant baptism. The bishop confirmed four adults and received one adult into the Church. There were over 65 people in attendance–a record for our parish. Following the liturgy, we had a Nigerian-style luncheon. This … [Read more…]

The Twelve Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas are from Dec. 25 to the Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6. The Friday fast is waived during this period. Saint Stephen, the first martyr, is remembered on Dec. 26. This is the day when “Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the feast of Stephen,” and is sometimes called … [Read more…]

Love of God and of Others

Love God truly, and you will easily love your neighbor; for you will see God’s image of him, or interest in him, and feel all his precepts and mercies obliging you hereunto. To this end let Christ be your continual study. He is the full revelation of the love of God; the lively pattern of … [Read more…]

On the Trinity

The fundamental revelation about God in the Christian faith is that there is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thus, both the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds have a three-part structure, being organized around what the Church believes regarding each of the three Divine Persons. Although the term “Trinity” is not … [Read more…]

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is this Wednesday, March 1. We will mark the day with the Penitential Office, Blessing and Distribution of Ashes, and Holy Communion at the church starting at 7:00 pm. We will meet in the Loyal Builders’ Room behind the sanctuary. Ash Wednesday is one of the two fasting … [Read more…]

The Circumcision of Christ

We’re still in the Christmas season, and today, January 1st, is the Octave, or 8th day of Christmas.  And while the world around us generally considers Christmas now to be officially over, and puts the Christmas trees out on the curb for trash, we Christians are still keeping the Christmas season, which is a full … [Read more…]


Pentecost is one the three great feasts of the Christian Year (the other two being Easter and Christmas). It celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples in the upper room of a house in Jerusalem, as recounted in today’s Epistle reading from the Book of Acts. It is also … [Read more…]